Thursday, July 3, 2008

THING 11. Tagging and

I learned about tagging and I tagged my blog post for Thing 12 . I also looked around using the Minn23 account. I will continue tagging in the future and eventhough I probably won't be using it is good to know how to use it so I can show library patrons if the need arises!
Thing 12 Social Media Sites

I explored Digg, Reddit, Newsvine, and Mixx. Personally I don't care how many people are reading a certain article. I don't enjoy reading entertainment type articles. I prefer reading hard news stories. I might glance through Newsvine and Digg every couple of weeks to see what the public is reading (for work puposes) or to look for more articles on a "Hot Topic" buy I have neither the time nor inclination to spend much time on social media sites. Although I did read articles from the New York Times and BBC News, I don't want to link any articles from major newsites to one of the social media sites..
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