Friday, August 15, 2008

Thing 19. Podcasts

I watched the On the Road with MINITEX Podcast with Beth Kelly, the former director of the Duluth Public Library. I found the interview fascinating, especially her discussion of working in a newly integrated library facility. Since I was born in Duluth I enjoyed her brief history of the Duluth Public Library, particularly the part about the library being a women's supported library (after originally being a subscription library for men). She also spoke about current topics in the library world today, such as the library being a place of civility where respectful discussions and self directed learning can take place, the importance of readers advisory, the cooperative nature of libraries, and who will libraries be serving in the next few years when senior citizens outnumber young children in our communities. Trying to add a RSS feed for this podcast was challenging but with the assistance of my colleague Karen we were able to add the RSS feed to my Google Reader. More detailed istructions would have been helpful. I do plan on listening to the other On the Road MINITEX podcasts.

Thing 18. YouTube & Other Online Video

I watched the 1970's TV commerial, Conan the Librarian,and Grand March of the Librarians. I don't enjoy watching videos on computer screens and I needed to turn the sound down and watch the videos at a time when it would be the least distracting to my co-workers. Watching YouTube is at the bottom of my list of things I like to do. I chose to post a Beijing Opening Ceremonies Video so one of my friends can watch it on my blog while she is waiting for me to drop off my VHS copy. After I located the embed HTML box (which was not highlighted) it didn't take long to post the video.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thing 13. Online productivity tools

I added a google gadget, a Youtube video on the Beijing 2008 olympics, to my blog. My first two attemps at adding a gadget in July failed. Thanks to a new interface that allowed for easy integration into my layout the third attempt worked like a charm. Earlier in the summer I also tried adding a calendar but I couldn't get that to work either. After I finish the 23 things I will go back and see if I can add the calendar too.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thing 17. ELM Productivity Tools

I am familiar with ELM Productivity tools because I use them on a daily basis at work, either showing patrons how to do searches or doing searches myself. I have also helped patrons set up e-book accounts and I do have one myself. Personally, I don't like using e-books but if you need the information right now I could see where students would welcome the chance to read a book online. Setting up a RSS Search Alert was a nightmare. After many futile attemps my colleague Adele helped me set up my alert. I now have a RSS search alert from EBSCO for Irish Dance. I don't think that I will ever need to or want to set up another search alert but I may have to help patrons setting up RSS alerts.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thing 16 Assignment Calculator & Research Calculator

I think that both the assignment calculator and the research calculator are wonderful tools for students and teachers. The assignment calculator should be a big help to students who have time management issues. I was especially fond of the sample thesis statements, designing a research strategy information and the section on looking up articles in an appropriate index. I know that library patrons who are working on research papers will find this information helpful. The research project calculator would be especially helpful to teachers looking for information on helping students with research papers. The timelines for each step should help keep both students and teachers on track!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thing 15 Libraries and games

I played Puzzle Pirates and really enjoyed myself. I learned two different roles and I Bilged and I Learned to Sail. Jacueline and Victoria , my characters had a great time too! I didn't do much interacting with the other sailors (since I was concentrating on mycharacters in the games) but I am working on it. This could get addictive but it does help with hand eye coordination.

Thing 14. LibraryThing

I took the LibraryThing tour and created an account. I added 5 books to my library and added a couple of tags. I will continue to add books to my LibraryThing list. This is one of the 23 Things on a stick that I will continue to use. It is a handy list for titles and authors that I would like to read!
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